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February 2017 Online Income Report

Welcome to my February 2017 monthly income report!

Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.

This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.

Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes moving forward.


I’m happy to report that this month was a little better than last month partially due to good clickbank sales. I also had a surprise payment from Avangate that i didnt expect but was excited to see it. The majority of my income is from assets, product reviews and published books, that ive put out months and in some cases years ago. The other half of my monthly income comes from launch jacking which is where i participate in product launches and try to ride the wave of interest that is naturally produced when new products are released. My focus has been on the trading niche mainly because thats where my interest is. I’m really hoping to add a few new income streams in 2017 and i plan on investing in my education in a few different niches. I’ll keep everyone updated as i start new projects.

Over the next 2 months i expect my income to dip dramatically mainly because i have no plans on doing any new reviews and as i stated above new reviews, launch jacking, make up about  half of my online income. I had a tenant move out of a rental property and they absolutely destroyed it so most of my time is going to be devoted to getting this property fixed back up and rented back out. Hopefully i can get everything completed ahead of schedule so i can start doing product reviews again in April, we shall see. In the future i might add real estate income to this site as technically it is an income producing asset.

Last month I had 1,751 youtube subscribers and im currently at 1,771. At present im only putting out 2 new youtube videos per week so i expected growth to slow down. My focus is elsewhere at the moment but as always any growth is good growth.

At the end of last month i had 2,072 email subs and now i have 2092. I have purchased no solo ads so im happy to see this number go up on its own.

As a reminder my next online income goal is $7,000 in one month. My next youtube subscriber goal is 2000 subscribers and my next email subscriber goal is 3000.

Income Breakdown

Affiliate Programs:

  1. The Oil Well- $136.61
  2. Fast Economic News- $697.50
  3. ClickBetter Network- $0
  4. ClickBank Network- $1,459.54
  5. Wealth Generators- $449.97
  6. Avangate- $123.69
  7. Expert Option Trading- $152.00

Kindle: ( number of books released: 4 )


Createspace: ( number of books released: 4)


February 2017 Income: $3,135.58 ($1,017.84 more than last month)