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June 2015 Online Income Report

Welcome to my June 2015 monthly income report!

Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.

This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.

Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes moving forward.


June was a little better than last month so It seems im slowly creeping my way back up. My goal at this point is to break the 3k in 1 month mark. I know its possible and i know what i need to do to reach that goal. I plan to start advertising my authority site by purchasing solo ads. At this point i’ve basically been putting all of my profits into paying off debt but im now debt free so i can focus on putting profits back into my business. Thats what the other internet marketers that i know have advised me to do and im happy i can finally start. I’ve made a list of 10 Solo ad sellers in the Trading niche and i’ll be testing each of them.

There was a clear superstar this month as far as sales go. Valutrader provided the bulk of my sales this month and im glad to see my efforts starting to pay off for that system. I’ve been testing it for around 4 months now and i think people are beginning to see how powerful it is. I only made sales with 3 other products for June so i need to start creating more videos in July. I hope one day to go full time with my I.M. business as having that sort of freedom would be amazing. I can imagine waking up in my Over water Bungalow in bora bora,  grabbing my laptop and sitting on my balcony overlooking the ocean.  The picture below says it all. Anyway this months details are below the picture of paradise.

Income Breakdown

Affiliate Programs:

  1. The Oil Well- $267.19
  2. Fast Economic News- $578.72
  3. Jo Bracket Breakout- $0 (I plan to start doing JOBB video’s again soon)
  4. Right Line Trading- $0
  5. ClickBetter Network- $0 (Wont get any new sales here until i test a new product on their network)
  6. ClickBank Network- $0 (i did a review last month but unfortunately the system failed so no sales)
  7. Expert Option Trading- $95.34
  8. ValUtrader- $1,103,85
  9. FlipAnywhere- $0

Cost Per Lead Offers:

  1. CashNetwork-  $0 (Didnt do any CPL Advertising this month)

June 2015 Total Income: $2,045.10 ($469.12 more than last month)